
Complete CCTV Surveillance:

Vision Nursery prioritizes optimum safety and security of the children. As a step towards improved and sustained accountability, we have installed CCTV cameras in and around the classrooms, both indoor and outdoor play areas and even inside the transport buses. The footages are cached with the authorities upto 90 days for potential future reference. Teachers are better equipped to observe and track the activities and whereabouts of children consistently. The installation of CCTV cameras are a major milestone towards assuring world-class security standards with the use of technology and digitization of data for better reliability.

Steadfast Transport Facilities:

We guarantee reliable, convenient and trustworthy means of transport to ensure hassle-free and relaxed travel of our kids to the nursery and back home. An experienced and vigilant supervisor accompanies the children at all times within the bus. All buses are Department Of Transport (DOT) approved and fully equipped with a DOT certified driver and bus supervisor. Every bus is brand new, fitted with necessary amenities like child-friendly seat belts and first-aid kits, and complies to the latest quality requirements. In addition, buses are also under comprehensive CCTV surveillance to reinforce the security and well-being of our dear kids.

Charting Academic Calendar:

In the beginning of an academic year itself, the Academic Calendar is designed with utmost care taken to outline ample number of interesting and unique learning activities. Something new is scheduled for every week, so that the children develop their curiosity, discover new interests to pursue, gauge their skills and talents, and gradually evolve a love for learning about new things. Parents are also informed about the calendar in advance, seeking support and encouraging them to build interest for the various programmes and activities in the children. While laying out the calendar, equal importance is given to sports, arts, dance, music and everything else that makes the curious young minds brim with joy.

An Assortment of Extra Curricular Activites:

Vision Nursery stresses on bringing novel and creative ideas into mapping activities, in order to sustain the interest and attention of children, along with equipping them with necessary skills for the real life. The weekly activities involve Play-Based Learning, where the children are invited to voluntarily participate with no end goal but resulting in learning lessons from it at their own pace.

Activities are outlined giving prominence to every interest area. Arts and crafts activities including clay and play-dough modelling, simple paper and plastic crafts, toy- making, finger-painting, pencil drawing and crayon sketching are encouraged to develop the artistic skills. Rhymes and poem recitations, action-songs, story narrations and theatricals all contribute to progressing the linguistic and literary skills as well. Sports and other outdoor play activities develop interpersonal skills and team spirit building.

Many other activities are also planned on a regular basis, each targeting to build and sharpen a skill or knowledge about something new. Simulated environments are setup, like that of a market place, a pharmacy, a social event, a park or a hospital, and children are encouraged to come dressed up, role-play, converse and discover the social etiquettes of each environment on their own.

Safety- Our top priority:

We assure complete safety and security of children on campus, as children are supervised by teachers and caretakers consistently. No outsiders are allowed in. The nursery premises are thoroughly child proofed to make a safe child-friendly space.

Devoted, Skilled and Proficient Personnel:

Our supervising team consists of well trained, experienced and qualified teachers and assistant caretakers diligently and rigorously attending to varying needs of the children. No child is left unattended.

All-round Development Targeted:

The nursery campus involves both outdoor and indoor play areas for the all- round development of children in all mental, emotional and physical spheres of life. Emphasis is given not just to growth of academic skills inside a classroom, but also for development of physical health, vigour and social skills outside a classroom.

Parents as Core Partners:

Especially since parents are the first and foremost tutors of budding minds, Parents are deemed as crucial partners in the process of teaching young minds. Parents are constantly consulted for suggestions, along with continually reporting to them the regular progress and development of their ward.


Facilities Designed for the growth of children

Many other activities are also planned on a regular basis, each targeting to build and sharpen a skill or knowledge about something new. Simulated environments are setup, like that of a market place, a pharmacy, a social event, a park or a hospital, and children are encouraged to come dressed up, role-play, converse and discover the social etiquettes of each environment on their own.